It has been so long, i miss this blog
Many things happened in my life, i couldn't write em all one by one but yeah i'm gonna tell you that...
Zayn isn't part of 1D anymore, that's so sad *crying*
But guys, seriously i'm crying right now.
Another thing is..
I broke up
And i thought it was a break.
But he didn't.
So he kicked me out of his life, he told me not to call nor even disturb his life
Well i'm a disturber right now lol. It's funny to know that someone who was telling you that you're a part of his life now tells you that you disturb his life.
I mean nothing for him.
I accepted it.
But it hurts when you can still text her and maybe call her whenever you want
She got everything
And i got nothing. Although i'm the one who was trying my best to make you happy, but yeah
Always ended like this.
Sometimes i'm thinking whether i'm a very nice person or i'm just a stupid retard.
I make him a priority in my life, and what do i get right now?
Nothing. Just an empty space.
I regret being nice, apologizing when i didn't do anything wrong.
I thought that was right thing to do
But now i know.
I have been so wrong all this time.
So much wrong.
I'm sorry for always being a retard disturber in your life.
I will never ever
Disturb you anymore.
I'm sorry with all of my sincere heart.
Your life disturber
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